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  • Przegląd Historyczny (Historical Review) is one of the most renowned and oldest historical journals in Poland. Founded in 1905 in Warsaw, it was initially published by Gebethner nd Wolff’s well-known Warsaw publishing firm. The first editorial team was made up of eminent historians like Ignacy Chrzanowski, Samuel Dickstein, Aleksander Jabłonowski, Stanisław Kętrzyński, Aleksander Kraushar, Franciszek Pułaski, Władysław Smoleński and Wacław Sobieski.
  • In 1906 Przegląd became the official journal of the newly founded Towarzystwo Miłośników Historii (Friends of History Society). The first President of TMH was Aleksander Jabłonowski, who was succeeded by A. Kraushar (1912–1933) and S. Kętrzyński (1933–1939) – all of them were among the founders of Przegląd Historyczny.

  • For over 100 years of its existence the editors in charge of Przegląd have been Jan Karol Korwin-Kochanowski (from 1905), Marceli Handelsman and Stanisław Kętrzyński (1917–1939), Janusz Woliński (1946–1952), Stefan Kieniewicz (1952–1992), Andrzej Wyrobisz (1993–2003), Włodzimierz Lengauer (2003–2012), Jerzy Kochanowski (2013–2018) and Krzysztof Skwierczyński (as of 2018).
  • Since 1994 Przegląd Historyczny (ISSN 0033-2186) has been a journal of the Friends of History Society and the Institute of History, University of Warsaw, published by Wydawnictwo DiG.
  • Archive issues of Przegląd Historyczny from 1905–2007 are available HERE.